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9 Things You Should Buy Online Instead of In-Store

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9 Things You Should Buy Online Instead of In-Store

Hot weather, wintry weather, and dealing with crowds are among the (many) hassles and obstacles to heading out and completing in-store shopping.

Online shopping has provided a spiffy alternative, creating a simpler way to defeat the hassles of time, convenience, crowds, and embarrassment. Nothing beats leisurely shopping from the comfort of your own home or office.

While shopping at a physical location is still necessary for certain items, here are nine ways online shopping makes filling a virtual cart more enjoyable than shopping in-store.

1. Toilet paper

Volume and bulk shopping for toilet paper in-store leaves you letting out a collective, “Ugh.” It’s your first stop, right off the bat filling up the cart. Or it’s a frustrating visit late in the trip, leaving you frustrated and aided by a loud, “Who gives a crap? Just put it in the cart!”

Fight the hassle by ordering toilet paper online. Doing so provides more room in carts for other items on in-store trips and gives the satisfaction of buying in bulk. Meaning you will never be caught short again.

2. Paper towels

An increased focus on cleanliness in recent years means a rise in buying paper towels in bulk. Run into those same issues as in-store shopping for toilet paper, where judging eyes may wonder, “Why all the paper towels?” 

Simplify your life with online ordering, which provides savings and absorbs more options in design, size, and more.

3. Tissues

Your body aches, your nose is stuffed up, your skin is clammy, and you cannot stop sneezing. No one wants to venture out to replenish tissues when illness or allergies lay waste.

The answer? Order online and be prepared, no matter the occasion.

With a variety of uses, bulk buying tissue paper online saves you time, money, and the effort of dragging yourself to the store when feeling like poo. 

4. Trash bags

Plain and simple, purchasing trash bags online provides a wider selection to choose from and opens a whole new world (sing it out loud) of possibilities. 

In a store, options are often limited in styles and sizes. Whereas online, variety is the name of the game. Especially in finding eco-friendly options, where you can reduce your impact on the environment and find great savings, too.

5. Hygiene products

Basic hygiene products of toilet paper and tissues are already being ordered online so it is best to add items like soap, deodorant, razors, and lotions to the list. In taking this plunge, opportunities arise to join monthly subscriptions in many of these areas.

A little less hassle on your plate, knowing these things arrive on a consistent basis. Plus, the added benefit of privacy, especially when purchasing more discreet items one would rather not want to purchase in public. 

6. Office supplies

If the goal is to save money, then ordering office supplies online is a terrific way to start.

Spend less and find bigger discounts with this convenient way of shopping. Also, a huge time saver when all you might need is a pack of colorful sticky notes. 

Click. Pay. Ship. Simple. All while binging on your new favorite streaming show.

7. Vitamins and supplements

Topping the list of advantages in online shopping for vitamins and supplements is comparison shopping. When shopping online, you also have a bigger world of options at your fingertips. 

Other advantages include:

  • Saving time

  • Checking into generic/non-branded items

  • Insightful reviews of products

Like with certain hygiene products, saves some embarrassment for those certain vitamins and supplements you’d rather keep to yourself. A wider selection to choose from but, as with any vitamin/supplement, be sure to research beforehand.

8. Pet food

Fur babies need love, too, and choosing to order their food online provides you with something particularly important: spending more quality time with dogs and cats in your world.

Sure, certain pets fit nicely in a cart for those in-store outings, but there is not a lot in life much better than placing an order with your pet(s) on your lap. Online ordering is a one-stop experience, rather than multiple stops needed to find that exact brand required for your pet.

9. Home goods and decor

Shopping for home goods in-store can be frustrating. Especially when eclectic tastes enter the arena, and stores only offer a generalized style geared toward the wider public.

With online shopping, a chance to search out reviews to have on hand and info is readily available. Better than the alternative of having to search while at the store, holding the phone in hand, clogging up the aisles.

Conclusion: Order your household supplies online!

There are plenty of positives to shopping online versus in-store. For example, a wider selection of products, such as pet food, office supplies, and trash bags, is available.

Also, shopping online for hygiene products, vitamins, and supplements spares some embarrassment that comes with some of these items.

And there is the important aspect of avoiding the ultimate game of shopping cart Jenga when toilet paper and paper towels are thrown into the mix.

Subscriptions are your friend with online shopping. The best favor you can do for yourself — especially in the toilet paper, paper towel, and tissue category — is to hook up a Who Gives A Crap monthly subscription.