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We won a design award (and it’s kind of a big deal)

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We won a design award (and it’s kind of a big deal)

We are so proud that our Play Edition is the 2020 D&AD yellow pencil winner for best in class packaging design. We worked with Garbett Design to bring this concept to life and we couldn’t be more pleased with how these mix and match rolls turned out.


For those who don’t know, the D&AD awards are the most well-respected design awards for creative excellence and advertising. It’s a pretty big deal a little toilet paper company like us could win such a prestigious award.

Just take it from our Packaging Design Lead, Sarah Dewlin:

“Oh my gosh, it's SO exciting. It's a really rare award to receive and such an honour. It's amazing to have our customers share and celebrate our packaging, but the cherry on top is to be recognised by the design community. I definitely popped some champagne.

The Play Edition is currently sold out (for the second time!), but we promise we have some new limited editions in the works that are just as fun.