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PlantPaper vs Who Gives A Crap: What's Right For You?

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PlantPaper vs Who Gives A Crap: What's Right For You?

Break out those tiny pencils used for golf scorecards. It is time to drop in on another matchup between bamboo toilet brands and tally up the marks. This matchup pits Who Gives A Crap against PlantPaper.

The two companies each offer eco-friendly products, with bamboo toilet paper leading the way. To truly find out where these two companies stand, areas like sustainability ratings, donations, plies, prices, and subscription options will be examined.

Unwrap the vital information below, where toilet paper from PlantPaper matches up with the toilet paper from Who Gives A Crap.

What do we need to know about PlantPaper?

PlantPaper developed its toilet paper in 2016 as a response to an industry in need of change. With it, too, was a goal to update the consumer’s approach to this hygienic practice. 

Bamboo toilet paper is 3-ply, with 200 sheets per roll. This thick and absorptive product is bleach and toxin-free. And for those looking for something different, the color is tan, rather than the standard white that people are used to.

PlantPaper toilet paper is FSC-certified and in the 2023 NRDC report on the best and worst toilet paper brands received a B+ grade and a 500 score.

When it comes to package options, PlantPaper has three sizes to choose from. Packages arrive in rolls of 16, 32, or 96 (quite a haul!). One-time purchases are available, with subscription options varying as low as six weeks (for the 16-roll users) or up to every 24 weeks for the 96-roll package.

Sounds good until prices enter the equation. A one-time purchase for the package of 16 rolls is $42. And the largest selection is a whopping $165 for 96 rolls. The high price is one of the biggest complaints from reviewers, with rough texture plopping forth on more than one occasion.

What’s the scoop with Who Gives A Crap?

Delivering eco-friendly products, Who Gives A Crap is on a mission to make a difference in the world. Primarily to help provide access to clean water and basic sanitation needs to underserved populations around the world.

Putting their thinking caps on, and sitting on a porcelain throne, the founders of the company delivered their first product in 2013. Since Who Gives A Crap proudly donates 50% of its profits to charity to help with the mission stated above.

Effective toilet paper is the name of the game, arriving in 3-ply (bamboo) and 2-ply (100% recycled) options. The premium 100% bamboo toilet paper is extra cushy. Not only does it feel good on your bum, but it also feels good on your conscience knowing no trees were harmed to make this toilet paper.

Package sizes are available in rolls of 12, 24, or 48. Plus, Who Gives A Crap earned a ‘B’ and a score of 400 on the most recent NRDC report.

There has been some “alarm” at the thinness of the sheets. But that’s backed up by statements of the toilet paper being strong and resilient. 

What’s the price per roll of PlantPaper vs Who Gives A Crap?

Looking at PlantPaper’s largest package option of 96 rolls and its accompanying price of $165, the per-roll price is $1.72. Across the aisle, Who Gives A Crap and its 48-roll package of bamboo toilet paper (price: $68) breaks in at $1.42 per roll.

Based on these prices and package sizes, the price per 100 sheets lands in favor of Who Gives A Crap, at 38 cents against 86 cents. PlantPaper’s sheet size carries a dimension size of 4 inches X 4 inches, with Who Gives A Crap ever-so-slightly smaller at 3.94” X 3.94”. 

Numbers were calculated based on each company’s largest package available. (For PlantPaper, 96 rolls and Who Gives A Crap, 48 rolls.)

The verdict: PlantPaper vs Who Gives A Crap

This matchup brings a lot of similarities between the two brands. Both bring to the shelf a variety of package sizes and subscription options to choose from. Each company has a 3-ply bamboo toilet paper, with Who Gives A Crap providing more sheets – 370 to 200 – and a double-length roll.

The sustainability rating has PlantPaper eking out the lead, with a B+ grade to Who Gives A Crap’s grade of a B. But both are FSC-certified and no trees were involved in making the toilet paper.

Overall, after the numbers were crunched, the edge goes to Who Gives A Crap. They have the added option of 100% recycled paper and better prices across the board. The final bonus is Who Gives A Crap donates 50% of profits to charitable causes. 

Conclusion: Who Gives A Crap toilet paper for the win!

The scorecard was close but Who Gives A Crap toilet paper takes the victory!

Offering two types of TP with bamboo and 100 percent recycled toilet paper is one advantage. PlantPaper’s package prices drag them down, with Who Gives A Crap offering more variety, with better points on subscription prices. The same can also be said about price per roll and price per 100 sheets, the latter of which Who Gives A Crap is nearly 50 cents better.

High marks are given to both PlantPaper and Who Give A Crap in the sustainability rating department. Plus, each company has a devotion to bringing better hygienic options to the greater population with their eco-friendly toilet paper.

When the results were tallied, Who Gives A Crap was the victor. This company delivers the biggest positive impact with its eco-friendly products and devotion to giving to charitable causes. More than enough reasons to make the switch to its bamboo toilet paper today.